IFO and 14 partners have incorporated a new company, IFORED SAS, to manage the project.
The IFORED project brings together 14 partners from 13 different countries, giving a total output of 3 million tonnes of apples from 55,000 hectares of orchards.

SOUTH AMERICA : Mono Azul, Argentina Unifrutti, Chili
SOUTH AFRICA : Dutoit, South Africa
OCEANIA : Montague, Australia - Johnny Appleseed, New Zealand
EUROPE : EUROPE AMG (Gerfruit and Mesfruits), France Blue Whale, France - Empire World Trade, United Kingdom - Fenaco, Switzerland - IFO (holder of the intellectual property rights), France - NovaMela (VOG, VI.P, Melinda, La Trentina and Rivoira), Italy - Nufri, Spain - Worldwide Fruit, United Kingdom - Red Apple Germany, Germany
NORTH AMERICA : Next Big Thing, USA AND Canada

KISSABEL® apples in the world

The partners are in charge of production and marketing of Kissabel® apples. The plantings of the eight first commercial varieties, 2 yellow, 1 orange, and 5 red skin, started in Europe in 2018 and will be followed by more plantings in the USA and in the South-Hemisphere over the next 5 years.

IFORED apples will be marketed worlwide under the brand Kissabel®.

Kissabel® apples are a natural kiss at every bite combined with a zest of discovery. For more information, visit www.kissabel.com


Contact details

49140 Seiches S/ Loir – FRANCE
Phone : +33 (0)2 41 32 14 34
e-mail : contact@ifo-fruit.com

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